The next time you enjoy a delicious, plump Blueberry, thank a bee.
Bees are an intricate part of the production of New Jersey High Bush Blueberries. A blueberry bush that is pollinated correctly will produce large berries and yield more fruit.
Though, not all bees are created equal when it comes to pollinating a blueberry flower; as the flowers are bell shaped and require a special type of pollination called “buzz pollination.” Typical pollination can occur through wind, mammals, such as bats, and even humans. “Buzz Pollination” refers to the requirement of a bee to grab onto the stamen (the pollen producing, male reproductive organ of the flower) and while using their flight muscles, shaking the stamen to release pollen which then enters the pistil (the female reproductive organ).
As you can see by the pictures below, our growers work with local bee keepers to pollinate their fields. The bees are brought in when around 20% of the crop is in bloom and left until the blooming period is completely over.

Hives are placed in the field and the bees go to work

Buzz Pollination going on

The bees have their work cut out for them.
Be part of the solution and not the problem.
Chad R. Puschel