Blueberries can be used in so many different ways. The US Highbush Blueberry council lists the ways to get the most of out blueberries.
Recipes & Things
You’ve stumbled upon a treasure of wealth and knowledge.
Well, honestly…mostly knowledge.
Farmhouse Fruit welcomes you into the world of New Jersey Agriculture; be prepared to learn all you need to know about topics ranging from farm level crop updates to unique recipes using fresh ingredients.
We love hearing from you, if you want to know more about a particular topic don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask. Your question may be featured on our newest update.
Raise Money While Supporting NJ Farmers
Fundraising with fresh New Jersey grown fruit. Support local family farms.
An Easier & Healthy Way to Raise Money
Fundraising activities from local Kiwanis Clubs are changing communities.
Air Cannons & Mummy Fruit; My Day Trimming Peach Trees
Expertly trimming peach trees lead to better fruit and a more bountiful harvest. I spent the day learning how to trim trees and why it’s important.
Preparing Blueberries Bushes for Winter
The last New Jersey Blueberry was picked over four months ago but that doesn’t mean life on the farms has slowed down. Blueberry bushes need hands-on attention before the winter chill hours to ensure a strong crop the following year.
Where the Buffalo Still Roam
I recently had the pleasure of visiting New Jersey’s only working American Bison farm. A truly unique and sustainable farming operation, ran by a family that is no stranger to large animals.
Jersey Fruit End of Season Meeting
The farmers from the Jersey Fruit Cooperative held their end of season meeting this week, it was a night filled with PowerPoint slides, drinks, delicious food and good company.
NJ Cranberry Harvest
Cranberries have been part of the North American diet since early settlers learned how to effectively use the berry as a food, medicine and dye.
Wrapping up our Inaugural Season
The changing leaf color signals an end to the New Jersey Peach season but not Farmhouse Fruit. With temperatures slowly dropping we call an end to our season and it’s now time to reflect back and look ahead.
Healthy Habits; Long Life
Developing healthy habits paves the road to a healthy body and mind. Find out easy ways to improve your diet, free your body from stress and put yourself onto a path toward self-improvement.