Everyone’s favorite Summer time snack, the New Jersey Peach, is soon to be seen at local grocery stores.
Larchmont Farms of Elmer, NJ has been operating since 1769 and currently grows an assortment of fruit on 800 acres of land. The co-owners of the farm, Tom and Charles Haines, who are the 11th generation growers, have transitioned their farm into a sustainable farming operation. Larchmont Farms runs 100% off Solar Power (as you may have read in our Meet Our Growers sections) and LED bulbs have replaced all incandescent light bulbs, increasing the efficiency of the farm and helping to reduce their carbon foot print.
Larchmont Farms has seen excellent growing conditions over the past few months and their crop is coming along very nicely. The first varieties should be ready for picking within the next 2 weeks. As the warmer weather starts to become more consistent, the peaches and nectarines will make considerable growth and the sweetness you have come to know as a New Jersey Peach will begin to become more prevalent.
Some pictures taken in the fields of Larchmont Farms.
As you can tell by the pictures, the peaches and nectarines have good size and color. As long as we do not experience any damaging weather, the first varieties will be picked right after the Fourth of July weekend.
Place your order today for Ultra Fresh, Hand-Selected, New Jersey Peaches.